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nagi-chan not realizing mr. cameraman got her smile on camera 0:00
sayurin winky smile + 😐 1:07
if you do a little youtube search you can find someone uploading the no autotune version of this 2:30
nakonako losing her words 3:22
sayurin interview column 4:58
pay-chan bit her tongue 5:53
nagisa birthday celebration 7:25
i'm putting a liyuu compilation on a nagisa-focused video and there's nothing you can do about it 15:48
i miiiiight've just put something random when i couldn't hear (or understand) something clearly. please leave corrections on the comment section if you found some
Clip taken from 2021-05-12
ラブライブ!スーパースター!! Liella!生放送 ~リリースイベントありがとうございました!~
and also 2021-05-14
【第12回】ラブライブ!スーパースター!! Liella! 結ヶ丘女子高等学校RADIO!!!(仮)
you can find all Liella's radio episodes on the official love live channel. unlike liella's, aqours radio is streamed on hibiki web radio station, and on this week's (259th) episode you can hear rikako crying when talking about their canceled live...
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