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A Glass Reflection Anime Review of Fate / Zero
Originally Released: December 5th 2014
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If you finished watching the video, you might have noticed a particular something missing from the new revamped final verdict section. From this point on, my reviews will not contain numerical scores. It is from my experience that having those scores leads to one of two things: first, a greater importance placed on said scores over anything else that I might have actually said over the course of the video, and second, an unfair comparison between shows based purely on the numbers assigned to them. If you really want numerical scores, I'm quite sure that there are a slew of anime watchers on websites such as MAL, Hummingbird and AniList that can oblige you with some.
If you feel the need to unsubscribe due to this latest development, please feel free with the knowledge that there will be no hard feelings.
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