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The official website for studio GoHands' Tokyo Babylon 2021 television anime revealed on Thursday that the anime is delayed from its planned April 2021 debut to an as-yet unspecified date. The staff said that they are delaying the anime due to the incident where the staff had referenced costume designs for two characters from other sources without permission. The staff are setting up a compliance team to better prevent future issues.
The staff apologized earlier this month for the incident. The designs appeared in a visual and character design illustrations. The staff removed all images and videos from the official website, and announced that it was changing the designs immediately.
The staff admitted that verification on materials and copyright awareness was not performed sufficiently, and that declining compliance work led to it overlooking the improperly referenced designs. The staff expressed apologies and gratitude to the costumes' rightsholders.
Genres: Supernatural, Drama, Fantasy, Shoujo, Shounen Ai
Studios: GoHands
Producers: King Records
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